Chile Verde (vid. dydžio, veislė)
Pardavėjo aprašymas:
A far-out and really cool tomato developed by Tom Wagner, who also bred the 'Green Zebra' and many other great varieties. This one is especially fascinating, with its amazing, pointed pepper shape and the mellow green skin, nearly like a green chili. The flavor is also good, strong and earthy, perfect for canning or for making green ketchup! This is one of the few green paste tomatoes and, like most paste types, this one has few seeds. That made seed collecting a challenge, but fortunately this variety really produced, right up till frost. Plants are really vigorous with thick stems and large leaves.
Mičiko aprašymas:
Labai aukšti. Apie 2metrus. Ilgom, svyrančiom kekėm. Labai derligi. Vieni skaniausių žalių ir ne tik! pomidorų. Kuriuos norisi valgyti kaip desertą. Prinoko vieni paskutinių. Vaisiai tvirti, mėsingi, sunokusieji sunkiai atsiskiria nuo žalių ne tik spalva (įgauna labai švelnų aukso atspalvį), bet ir tvirtumu, Gerai sunokus pomidoras darosi be galo kvapnus. Primena kažkuo skoniu egzotinius vaisius, o ne pomidorą.
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